Since today is the start of Thanksgiving week, I thought I would like to share some things what I am grateful for. Here is goes:
1. Family and Friends. Gotta love them all!
2. The Gospel of Jesus Christ.
3. The Godhead for what they all have done for me!
4. Plan of Salvation. This comforts me when I have lost a loved one.
5. Sports...its pretty self explanatory if you know me loving sports.
6. Performing lets me get away from everyday worries.
7. comforts me and I love to sing a long with it all.
8. give those who are in need.
9. Service..I love to serve people and make their day.
10. Trials..this may sound a little bit weird, but by having trials I learn from them and it makes me stronger spiritually by knowing why I went through some of the trials I went through.
P.S. Drop in and say hi in the messege box! I would love to hear from you all!
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Monday, October 13, 2008
I've been tagged again.. :D
I was tagged my Sarah
I guess i supposed to say 7 interesting or a random things about it goes!
1. I am highly afraid of heights! This may sound weird because I am tall and I like to jump off high diving boards, but yet I still get nervous about it.
2. I am very Claustrophic..fear of small spaces. I like to have my own bubble most of the time...i know..i'm weird.
3. I am highly accident prone. I always tend to find a way to accidently hurt myself somehow like my first time snowboarding I ended up on a stretcher..go figure..haha!!
4. I am a very shy person! Its self explanatory. I don't talk that much. I'm working on that.
5. I really want to serve a mission for the church. I always thought about going to Africa and speak that one language that has that clicking noise which I think is pretty cool or even go to Australia!!
6. I am afraid of mirrors. My house has way to many mirrors that they scare the crap out of me because sometimes I see things from the reflection of the mirrors that just scare myself. time i scared my own self from the mirrors. I am way
7. I really don't like being home alone. This started when i was 11 years old. Everybody else was at mutual and I thought i heard footsteps and I was scared so bad that i almost wet myself!!
I tag..Linda, Caroline, Jamie, Aunt Pam.
I guess i supposed to say 7 interesting or a random things about it goes!
1. I am highly afraid of heights! This may sound weird because I am tall and I like to jump off high diving boards, but yet I still get nervous about it.
2. I am very Claustrophic..fear of small spaces. I like to have my own bubble most of the time...i know..i'm weird.
3. I am highly accident prone. I always tend to find a way to accidently hurt myself somehow like my first time snowboarding I ended up on a stretcher..go figure..haha!!
4. I am a very shy person! Its self explanatory. I don't talk that much. I'm working on that.
5. I really want to serve a mission for the church. I always thought about going to Africa and speak that one language that has that clicking noise which I think is pretty cool or even go to Australia!!
6. I am afraid of mirrors. My house has way to many mirrors that they scare the crap out of me because sometimes I see things from the reflection of the mirrors that just scare myself. time i scared my own self from the mirrors. I am way
7. I really don't like being home alone. This started when i was 11 years old. Everybody else was at mutual and I thought i heard footsteps and I was scared so bad that i almost wet myself!!
I tag..Linda, Caroline, Jamie, Aunt Pam.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
I have been tagged!
My Aunt Linda tagged me! Here it goes!!
Two names I go by: Laurel and WoWo
Two things I am wearing: Black shirt and pajama pants!
Two things I want right now: I want the snow to stick and to go snowboarding!!
Two things I did last night: Play blacklight volleyball and spend time with the family!
Two things I ate today: Hame and cheese sandwhich and broccoli
Two favorite drinks: Water and Lemonade
I am tagging Caroline, Jamie and Sarah!
Two names I go by: Laurel and WoWo
Two things I am wearing: Black shirt and pajama pants!
Two things I want right now: I want the snow to stick and to go snowboarding!!
Two things I did last night: Play blacklight volleyball and spend time with the family!
Two things I ate today: Hame and cheese sandwhich and broccoli
Two favorite drinks: Water and Lemonade
I am tagging Caroline, Jamie and Sarah!
Thursday, October 9, 2008
7 things...
7 things I want to do before I die...
1. Get married in the temple.
2. Go to a 3rd world country and help them out.
3. Graduate from college
4. Snowboard down a hill and actually not fall.
5. Perform on stage again.
6. Go on a mission.
7. Travel to every continent.
7 Things I DO Now
1. Work
2. Sleep
3. Church
4. House chores
5. Play sports
6. Sing
7. Typing on this computer
7 Things that I love
1. Sports
2. Musical Theatre
3. Family
4. friends
5. church
6. smiling
7. serving others
7 Things I Say Most Often
1. I love you!
2. Lets clean
3. yep
4. anywhoo
5. haha
6. jk
7. lol
7 Celebrities I Admire
1. The Osmonds
2. Shaun Johnson
3. Robin Williams
4. Jordin Sparks
5. Brett Family Singers
6. Amanda Bynes
7. The Osmonds-2nd generation
7 Of My Favorite Foods
1. PIzza
2. Chinese
3. Mexican
4. Pasta
5. Stew
6. Hamburgers/Hotdogs
7. Icecream
7 of My Friends I Tag
Anyone who has the time...
1. Get married in the temple.
2. Go to a 3rd world country and help them out.
3. Graduate from college
4. Snowboard down a hill and actually not fall.
5. Perform on stage again.
6. Go on a mission.
7. Travel to every continent.
7 Things I DO Now
1. Work
2. Sleep
3. Church
4. House chores
5. Play sports
6. Sing
7. Typing on this computer
7 Things that I love
1. Sports
2. Musical Theatre
3. Family
4. friends
5. church
6. smiling
7. serving others
7 Things I Say Most Often
1. I love you!
2. Lets clean
3. yep
4. anywhoo
5. haha
6. jk
7. lol
7 Celebrities I Admire
1. The Osmonds
2. Shaun Johnson
3. Robin Williams
4. Jordin Sparks
5. Brett Family Singers
6. Amanda Bynes
7. The Osmonds-2nd generation
7 Of My Favorite Foods
1. PIzza
2. Chinese
3. Mexican
4. Pasta
5. Stew
6. Hamburgers/Hotdogs
7. Icecream
7 of My Friends I Tag
Anyone who has the time...
Monday, October 6, 2008
BYU Football Game!!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Having way too much fun!!
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Another Update
Well..I am still working at the DI close to where I live. Yesterday..Me,Dad,Jake,Grandma and Gramps went over to the Riverdale Resort outside of Preston. Me,Dad and Jake all went down the water slide! Little did we know that this one slide is really fast. I couldn't really control anything in that slide. It was way fun though!! Also, I almost did a 360 uncontrollably in the tube slide. Thats how fast and forceful it was. My elbows got fiberglass burns from falling over the place in the slide, but it was well worth it!! :D
Thursday, August 28, 2008

So for the past couple of weeks, I was usually seen in front of the tv watching the Olympics at night. It was quite fun to watch. Watching Michael Phelps getting 8 Gold medals and watching many ceremonies where they had the USA national anthem played. It was way awesome.
Picture 1: This girl is one of my all time favorite gymnasts. She won 1 gold and 3 silvers!! She is always positive and always has a smile on her face. She is the one that has a good attitude and all. I also liked how the whole team took Silver!! It was way awesome to see that happen.
Picture 2: BASKETBALL!!! I stayed up until 2:30 in the morning watching this game!! Oh was quite the game! Watching all the slam dunks and all was way awesome!! Ok..for all of you that know me, you may know that I am not really a Kobe Bryant fan, but when it came to having him play for the USA, I really liked how he played. One play in the game, Bryant had the ball and shot a 3 pointer and was fouled. Not only was he fouled, he made the shot. So just from there, we got 4 points. I gotta admit, I was cheering really loud and got all excited when Bryant made that shot!! I hope I didn't wake anybody up because this was like 2 o'clock in the morning! It was well worth watching this Gold Medal Game!! USA got the GOLD!!!...BOO-YEAH!!
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Looking Back

Recently I have been going through my stuff. I cam across some photos of me when I was young. The first photo was me at Aunt Pam's house for Easter. I always had to have my Angels hat on. As I was looking at the picture..I realized I had a major fashion crisis....haha!! I had a red hat, pink sweater, high water pants and basketball shoes. What a interesting combination.
2nd photo- This is when I played on the JV team my Freshman Year in high school! It was so much fun and I had many missionary opportunities since I was the only Mormon playing. It was one of the highlights that I had in high school. Also, the certain game was when I scored 19 points. That was my career high!
3rd photo- This is one of my recent photos of me. My appearance has changed a little bit, but I am still the same Laurel that everyone knows.
As I look back in my life, I had many great things happen. When my family moved around quite a bit, I was not happy at all. Leaving all my friends behind. If that was not thee case, I wouldn't have met many great friends from all over!
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Hello All!!
For the past month, I have been looking for a job! I finally got a job offer so I am pretty excited!!..Booyah!! Other than that, I have been enjoying not being in school which is a major plus. I also have been watching the Olympics which are pretty amazing. My favorite event is swimming. From what I have seen the USA has been dominating in that area..GO USA!! How are you all doing?
Monday, July 28, 2008
Another Update
Let's see...
I finished school until January which is a big relief. Now I am trying to look for a job. Hopefully I will get one soon. I FINALLY decided on a major and minor. My major is Sociology. My minor is Theatre. I am really excited to be involved in these departments. Other than that I am just enjoying myself with family and friends. Yep..that is about it!...Ciao
I finished school until January which is a big relief. Now I am trying to look for a job. Hopefully I will get one soon. I FINALLY decided on a major and minor. My major is Sociology. My minor is Theatre. I am really excited to be involved in these departments. Other than that I am just enjoying myself with family and friends. Yep..that is about it!...Ciao
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Fun memories!!
1. List a memory you have of me.
Post it as a comment.
2. Post something similar on your blog asking for memories.
I will come and share a memory I have of you as well.
Post it as a comment.
2. Post something similar on your blog asking for memories.
I will come and share a memory I have of you as well.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Friday, July 11, 2008
Update as usual!
Hey everybody!!!
Just a quick update. Just one more week of school...YAY!! I am still performing in Savior of the World! It basically changed my life. This production helps me to look at things in a different way which is a good thing. I have 2 performances left. It will be a relief, but I am pretty sad for it to end. Then comes finals week..I am just hanging in there and hoping that everything goes well. I am excited to go home, but I will miss it here..:( Other than that..I am doing great.!!
Just a quick update. Just one more week of school...YAY!! I am still performing in Savior of the World! It basically changed my life. This production helps me to look at things in a different way which is a good thing. I have 2 performances left. It will be a relief, but I am pretty sad for it to end. Then comes finals week..I am just hanging in there and hoping that everything goes well. I am excited to go home, but I will miss it here..:( Other than that..I am doing great.!!
Monday, June 30, 2008
Saturday's Bonfire

Here are some pictures from the bonfire I went to.
1st picture: The mosquito bites I got from the bonfire. By the end of the night, I counted about 20 bites just on my hands. It turned out that on Sunday morning, part of my right hand was swollen. The mosquitos here are very EVIL!
2nd picture: Me trying to play golf. I haven't played that kind of golf since middle school.
3rd picture: Me and Alison just messing around!
Saturday, June 28, 2008

Hey all!! I am still at school and the summer semester is almost over..YES!! I am still rehearsing for Savior of the World! The performances start next week! I can't wait. I also been having fun this semester.
First photo: Me, Alison, and my roommate Janelle at Guitars Unplugged
2nd: Me and all of my roommates from Freshman Academy reuniting together.
3rd and 4th: Water fight with some friends.
5th: Smiling while everybody is singing Happy Birthday.
6th and 7th: Pictures while at my cousin's soccer game.
Last one: Me adoring my balloon from my surprise birthday party!!
And that is the story so far this summer!!
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Guten Tag..Wie heisst du?
Hey All!!
Just a quick catch-up on things. I am still at school. Just about a month left then I am done for 5 months! Also, I am still rehearsing for the Choir-Fest and Savior of the World. Talk about work. I sing an Alto 2 for Savior of the World. The lowest note that I have to reach is a low F or G! Yeah, thats lower than the tenors have to sing on several songs! It will pull through so I am really excited to perform in these productions! Also, this past Monday I went on a field trip with my Geology class to the Menan Buttes! It was quite the hike. For about 10 minutes or so we just got to look around. I also sat in a really old volcano! It erupted about 100,000 years ago. After the field trip, I was so exhausted, but it was well worth it! Yesterday, I went to devotional and Bronco Mendenhall (Head Football Coach for BYU) spoke. It was cool to see him speak. I got to meet him afterwards which was pretty cool!..haha. Yep..thats about it for now!! TTFN! :D
Just a quick catch-up on things. I am still at school. Just about a month left then I am done for 5 months! Also, I am still rehearsing for the Choir-Fest and Savior of the World. Talk about work. I sing an Alto 2 for Savior of the World. The lowest note that I have to reach is a low F or G! Yeah, thats lower than the tenors have to sing on several songs! It will pull through so I am really excited to perform in these productions! Also, this past Monday I went on a field trip with my Geology class to the Menan Buttes! It was quite the hike. For about 10 minutes or so we just got to look around. I also sat in a really old volcano! It erupted about 100,000 years ago. After the field trip, I was so exhausted, but it was well worth it! Yesterday, I went to devotional and Bronco Mendenhall (Head Football Coach for BYU) spoke. It was cool to see him speak. I got to meet him afterwards which was pretty cool!..haha. Yep..thats about it for now!! TTFN! :D
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Catching up
Hey everybody! Lately I have been at BYU-Idaho doing school and finally warmed up which I am very grateful for. I am in the middle of rehearsals for "Savior of the World" I am very excited to be in that. I am visiting my home this weekend since we don't have school on Monday...YAY!! I had a great birthday yesterday. Couldn't ask for a better one. Now I am 19 years old. I am still in shock that I am catching up with everybody else! And I finally got a brand new computer!! Yes!! Anyways, that is the update!
Friday, April 4, 2008
Performing for The Rexburg Temple: Musical Celebration (Combined Choirs)
Last night I got the wonderful experience for singing with the University Choir along with all of the other choirs to perform "Temple" Songs celebrating the Rexburg Temple!! It was the greatest experience I had yet of being in a choir. The Spirit was there the whole night, but the only 2 times I have felt ithe spirit strongly was the last song when every choir sang a song all together which was called, "Come Dwell in Solomon's Walls" The last note we sang was so powerful that I can't really explain the feeling that was in the concert hall. I will never forget this experience and can't wait until I have the same similar experiences in the future. Enjoy the pictures below of what I have posted. :D
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Me and Sarah again just goofin' off before the game!!

OK!! Story time!! So on March 20th, me and Alison went over to Sarah and Jon's house to watch the JAZZ/Laker game!! I thought for sure the Jazz was going to win, but SADLY.. :( they lost!! I still had a blast even though most of the time it was quiet since the Jazz were losing the whole entire time! The thing that I thought was funny was that Sarah was keep on looking at me and smiling at me to see what was my reaction since her team was winning most of game!! Yep!! The Lakers won this time, but the Jazz will get them next time!! GO JAZZ!!!!!!!! WOOT!!!
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Catching up on stuff!!
Hey Everybody, since the last time I wrote, I have been doing a lot better with my health!! Oh yeah, Rexburg is slowly getting warmer which is a big highlight for me!! Today was devotional which I am always grateful for!! Today at devotional, I got to sing along with my Choir for the musical number!! It is always a great experience to do that!! I am especially excited to go t Sarah's and Jon's house to watch the JAZZ/Lakers game!! It should be interesting!! TTFN!!
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
The Tagging Game!!!
A. The rules of the game are posted at the beginning.B. Each player answers the question about themselves.C. At the end of the post, the player then tags five people and posts their names, then goes to their blog and leaves them a comment, letting them know that they have been tagged and asking them to read your blog.
1. What was I doing ten years ago?
Wow..long time ago!!! I was a little 8 year old!! Doing what I love outside!!
2. Five things on my to-do list today: Sleep, go to devotional, watch American Idol, watch Drew and Mikayla, homework!
3. What snacks do I enjoy? Ice Cream and cookies and milk!!
4. What would I do if I were suddenly a billionaire? Pay off loans, get a good house with a pool, donate to charities and to the church!!
5. Three bad habits: Biting my nails, popping my knuckles, playing with my hair.
6. Five PLaces Where I lived: La Habra, Ca, Orem, Provo, Smithfield, Spanish Fork and lots more!
7. Five jobs I have had. A&W, cat sitter, babysitter, cafeteria!
8. Five things people don't know about me: I like to perform on stage, hate wearing makeup, but i will if i have no choice, dance and sing in my bedroom when no one is in there, I would love to go to Africa and help out to those in need, and I love to speak German in front of people when they have no clue what I am saying!!
Tagging back to Sarah and to Jamie!!
1. What was I doing ten years ago?
Wow..long time ago!!! I was a little 8 year old!! Doing what I love outside!!
2. Five things on my to-do list today: Sleep, go to devotional, watch American Idol, watch Drew and Mikayla, homework!
3. What snacks do I enjoy? Ice Cream and cookies and milk!!
4. What would I do if I were suddenly a billionaire? Pay off loans, get a good house with a pool, donate to charities and to the church!!
5. Three bad habits: Biting my nails, popping my knuckles, playing with my hair.
6. Five PLaces Where I lived: La Habra, Ca, Orem, Provo, Smithfield, Spanish Fork and lots more!
7. Five jobs I have had. A&W, cat sitter, babysitter, cafeteria!
8. Five things people don't know about me: I like to perform on stage, hate wearing makeup, but i will if i have no choice, dance and sing in my bedroom when no one is in there, I would love to go to Africa and help out to those in need, and I love to speak German in front of people when they have no clue what I am saying!!
Tagging back to Sarah and to Jamie!!
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Hello Again!!!
Today has been a pretty much busy day!! Doing tons of homework can be overwhelming at times!! We had a blizzard here today, but luckily it stopped already!! I didn't get much sleep because I was over at my sister's apartment last night and had a girl party doing Karaoke, dancing and watching a scary movie in which I fell asleep to..haha..what else is new!! College is pretty much cool except for the schooling part!! Oh yeah..about a month ago, I went snowboarding for the first time!! I was pretty much excited until my 2nd run down the hill!! Take a wild guess on what happened!! I crashed pretty hard which left to 2 sprined ankles and a sprained knee!! But it was worth it and I had fun!! This pretty sums up my life right now!!
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Hey Everybody!!!
I am very new to this whole thing for the blogs! I am at college right now!! It is my first real semester which is exciting!! There is snow wherever you go, but it is getting warmer outside!! It is like 30 degrees which is very warm where I live for this time of year!! I am taking 5 classes right now!! Choir, math, natural disasters and Theatre!! College keeps me pretty busy especially when it comes to doing a buttload of homework!! I am just livin' the college life right now!!
Monday, February 25, 2008
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