Sunday, May 8, 2011

Life Is Amazing

Yes, I am proud to declare unto the world that Life is really amazing. You may ask me why I think that is. Well, I have so many reasons why I think life is amazing.

1. All the creations around us. Looking at all the things that God has created for us to enjoy is overwhelming in a good way. Nature is just pure joy.

2. Family: Where do I even start? My family is the best family I can ever ask for. They accept me and my crazy personality! :) They are the ones that know me best. I love them with all my heart.

3. Friends: My friends keep me going. They love me for who I am. They are always there for me. I love my current/future friends with all my heart.

4. Trials: I know you are probably thinking that I am crazy saying that trials make life amazing. Well I think they contribute making my life amazing. I love trials. Not because they are desireable and wanted, but because they taught me how to love everyone whether I met them or not. It is an amazing feeling that its hard to explain. Spread the love.

5. Inspirations: I love anything and eveything about inspirational topics. I love how it is meant to uplift and make people feel good inside. Its wonderful.

6. Music: Music plays a huge role in my life. It soothes my soul. I love Acapella music. I love BYU Noteworthy, BYU Vocal Point, UO Divisi and Backbeats. All of these groups have made an impact on my life for good. They are way beyond amazing. I love them all.

7. Church: I love Church and what is brings. It makes me happy and I love worshipping Heavenly Father. It brings so much joy to me.

8. Acceptance: Learning how to accept people for who they are has developed my love towards people. Everybody is a child of God so why not love them! :)


I hope you enjoyed this post. Feel free to follow my blog and I will return the favor. Feel free to comment too! Love you all!


Laurel Greathouse

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