I have learned in my high school psychology class that we dream every 1 1/2 throughout the night. Supposedly, our dreams is made from what we are exposed to. I don't know if this is true or not. So I decided to share some of my crazy dreams that I had in past.
Twilight Dreams: The first Twilight dream I had is when I was a vampire and a partner in crime with Edward. Obviously the werewolves were out to get us. I wasn't Bella, but I was with Edward.
Second: I was a werewolf! I found this dream to be slightly crazy. I could jump far and run really fast! It was so awesome.
Third: In this dream, I was Bella. At first I was with Edward. Then all of a sudden I was with Jacob. Both of them liked me and I liked both of them...interesting..lol.
I also had many crazy wedding dreams gone wrong. I remember being in my beautiful wedding dress. I didn't know who my "husband" was. I was also complaining about taking my picture on my wedding day. Weird I must say!
So yeah! I have had many bizarre dreams! One last one to mention, I was on Dancing with the Stars and I was flying in a harness across the building! It was a lot of fun! I wish it happened in real life! ;)