A. The rules of the game are posted at the beginning.B. Each player answers the question about themselves.C. At the end of the post, the player then tags five people and posts their names, then goes to their blog and leaves them a comment, letting them know that they have been tagged and asking them to read your blog.
1. What was I doing ten years ago?
Wow..long time ago!!! I was a little 8 year old!! Doing what I love best..play outside!!
2. Five things on my to-do list today: Sleep, go to devotional, watch American Idol, watch Drew and Mikayla, homework!
3. What snacks do I enjoy? Ice Cream and cookies and milk!!
4. What would I do if I were suddenly a billionaire? Pay off loans, get a good house with a pool, donate to charities and to the church!!
5. Three bad habits: Biting my nails, popping my knuckles, playing with my hair.
6. Five PLaces Where I lived: La Habra, Ca, Orem, Provo, Smithfield, Spanish Fork and lots more!
7. Five jobs I have had. A&W, cat sitter, babysitter, cafeteria!
8. Five things people don't know about me: I like to perform on stage, hate wearing makeup, but i will if i have no choice, dance and sing in my bedroom when no one is in there, I would love to go to Africa and help out to those in need, and I love to speak German in front of people when they have no clue what I am saying!!
Tagging back to Sarah and to Jamie!!