A lot has been happening in the past little while. I only had about 2-3 semesters left to graduate with a BA in Sociology from BYU-Idaho. I had to differ several semesters due to some circumstances. To be honest, I wasn't motivated at all with my major after my first year. In my eyes, I just wanted to graduate quickly so I can go and serve a church mission. While I was at home differing a semester, thats when I realized that Sociology wasn't for me. So I tried to change my major to Exercise Science. They rejected my petition. So that left me in a hole. What was I wanting to do now? Finishing the Sociology degree was out of the question. Then the school changed my major to General Studies without my permission. So thats when I knew my days at BYU-Idaho were over. I didn't want a General Studies degree. It wouldn't help my future career goals one bit. Then I started to look at different schools to transfer to, so I can study in my field that I wanted to be part of. I was literally lost and confused. Where was I supposed to go? I had no idea. Then the thought of serving a church mission came to mind. But I ignored it, because I wanted to finish school first. Then the thought kept on coming back stronger than ever. I thought to myself, "No way. Not yet. Its not my time to serve a mission yet." Then again, came back even more stronger. Then I finally had the urge to pray about and to see what happens. I always wanted to the Lord's will in my life. Thats when I got the answer. This is the time for me to serve a full-time mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Its amazing to me how my desires and the Lord's will for me goes hand in hand. Its a perfect fit. The last piece to the puzzle. I learned in my life, that my timing in things are different than the Lord's timing. The Lord knows us in every way possible. He knows of our sorrows and happiness. He is always near even though you can't see Him. He is always there to help us. He wants us to succeed. He would never lead us astray. I learned how to put God and Jesus first in my life. I do everything for them for they are the ones that gave me gifts and talents to become what I have wanted to become.
Now starting on September 19th, 2012, I will be a full-time missionary. I am so excited. I chose to serve a mission, not because I was told to, but only to serve the Lord and the people in the California, San Diego Mission. I am willing to put my life on hold and set everything aside to serve. I have been blessed in so many ways that I see it fit to give 18 months out of my life to serve. I will always glorify in Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ and Their work to bring souls unto them.
Live, Laugh, Love
Laurel G.
It will be interesting to see if you decide to continue on with social work after your mission. Serving a mission you will probably find, is a lot like social work. You will be trying to sort out people's lives etc.. I was really tempted to do something with social work after mine because I just wanted to keep helping people.
Good point. I have been working with a job in the Sociology field, but its not for me though. I decided to go into a field that has my 2 favorite things: Athletics and helping people. Its a win win situation! :) How have you been Chelsey? Miss you.
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