Sunday, January 15, 2012

My Kind of Living

As I ponder here and trying to think of what to share today, I felt that it would appropiate to share of why I live my life the way I do.

First, let me explain several things I live by. I try to live my life the way Jesus Christ lived his. Loving others as Jesus loves us. Yes, I do believe that it is important to love everybody no matter who they are. Spread the love. I live my life by accepting others for who they are. A lot of people feel lost these days and fear that they are not accepted for who they are. People will love you for being the true you. I learned this principle too. Don't let others get you down. I live my life by charity. Nothing makes me more happy than to serve others. It is the most amazing feeling to serve others and to see a smile on their faces. I live my life by only using good judgment. I believe it is not my place to judge others in a bad way. The more I live by this principle, the easier it is for me to see the good things in people.

I could go on forever of what I live by, but time is time. The reason why I live by these several things is because this is what brings me the greatest joy and happiness. I love everybody because I feel that is what I am supposed to do. I even love those who wronged me. Some people may think how can you love those who persecute and discriminate you? It is pretty easy to answer. Choose to forgive them right away and love them anyway.

I accept everybody because they are a child of our loving Heavenly Father. God accepts everybody so why not do the same. There are a lot of cultures and diversities out there. Isn't it that what makes us all unique? By being open to learn about the cultures and diversities makes it a lot more easier to accept people. No judgment here.

By having charity has changed my life. Learning to be selfless has brought me so many great opportunities in life. Serving those around me is the greatest gift I can give to myself. I love and will always love serving people. It is just who I am. Just take it. ;)

Imagine what life would be like if there wasn't any bad judgment in this world. It would be heaven in my eyes. I don't use bad judgment, because I really do believe in the principle, "Treat others the way you want to be treated." If you treat others with respect, most likely you will be treated with respect. I started to use this principle in early high school years because I don't want to treat others the way others treated me which was persecution and discrimination. Treat others kindly the way Jesus treated others and I promise it will change your life for the better and your life will have be more meaningful.

Live, Laugh, Love.

Love Always,

Laurel Greathouse