This is Me and one of my best friends Rachael
I am in my college right now. It has been a great learning experience and a experience if a lifetime. I am so happy that I went to BYU-I. The Spirit is here all the time. You could feel the peace here as well. Lets see..I have many experiences throughout this semester.
First was meeting my roommates. They are really awesome to be around! I also have great friends up here! We have had many adventures together from beating up a pinata, birthdays, and playing ping pong and just laughing a lot. They are the kind of friends that you can count on.
Up here at school, I love to go on walks. Especially to the Rexburg Temple. The temple is my favorite place to be. I especially love going on long walks and to have a great time. I went on the long walk with one of my best friends up here. She can make you laugh and be happy once she is with her. Her name is Rachael. She also knows how to have a good time. She is the best friend I could ever ask for! :)